

The end of a marriage is difficult emotionally and financially, and affects every aspect of your life. In this situation, knowledge will help empower you. It is vital to know what your rights and responsibilities are, and to make sure that you are able to obtain a fair and equitable distribution of any marital assets, as well as a determination of marital liabilities. Additionally, if there are children involved, child support and custody will also need to be determined. And if you are separated, you may be entitled to spousal support, even if no divorce complaint has been filed yet.

The Law Office of MK Feeney will work with you to help you to fully understand what your future may look like, and to make sure that your rights are protected as you go through this very difficult life transition. While MK will attempt to resolve your matter through negotiation and settlement, if that is not possible, she is fully prepared to litigate your case in court.

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